In this every evolving and globalization driven world, it is increasingly becoming difficult as a budding entrepreneur and creative to find your place in this modern commercial world. Despite the increasing demands for more globalization, or more precisely standardization of processes, services, products and (more recently) persons.
I mean, how do you standardize a person?!
Despite this unfortunate reality, I've got some good news for all my fellow budding entrepreneurs and creative thinkers out there. And the good news is this... "THERE IS A GROWING NEED FOR MORE INNOVATIVE THINKERS LIKE YOURSELF!"
Especially, in a world that boasts highly advanced systems and processes it is refreshing and reassuring to come across an article that substantiates the key role that having innovative thinking employees play within the bigger scheme of the commercial world. More specifically, within the context of keeping companies competitive in a world that is increasing becoming flatter and flatter by the day!
So, what did the article say?
The article was illustrating the unfortunate future companies that have made standardization a high priority opposed to innovation. And the manner in which the article recommended as a remedy to companies failing to remain competitive in a highly globalization driven world is in acquiring and introducing three types of individuals into their organizations. Those three individuals are namely; Innovators, Drivers of Innovation and Marketers of Innovation.
So, yes! That's right my fellow budding entrepreneurs and creative thinkers out there. There is still and increasing room for you in this modern commercial world. But what I want you to be mindful of is that not just any entrepreneur or creative thinker sort after but rather one that can either (1) conceive an innovation, (2) bring an innovation into reality and (3) get a 'buy-in' from stakeholders into that specific innovation.
So, what does this mean to you my fellow budding entrepreneurs and creative thinkers?
Simply this, determine which of the above mentioned soon to be sort after innovative role players do you most relate with. Are you maybe an "Innovator"?
An "Innovator" being someone who is able to take a particular concept or idea and creatively conceive a robust improvement on a particular business service or product in a manner that will in add value to the organization but importantly, generate revenues for the organization. If that is you than you are case and point an "Innovator" by classification. Thus, this individuals unique quality lies in their ability to come up with new ideas, robust modifications and improvements to current business services or products in a manner that will generate increased revenue streams for the company.
Or maybe you are a "Driver of Innovation"?
If that is the case, bubbling creativity may not necessarily be your portion but your strength lies in your ability to connect and re-allocate the required resources needed to ensure that any idea or innovation is feasible within the scope of an organizations current operation. Thus, the unique quality you bring to the party comes in the form of your ability to ensure that resources are effective utilized to accommodate the introduction of an innovation, however, in a manner that cost-effective to the organizations operations.
And lastly, maybe you are "Marketer of Innovation"?
"Marketers of Innovation" are essentially, the individuals who are able to identify the particular need the innovation is able to satisfy. Thus, you are individuals who are able to conceptualize the manner in which an innovation will be introduced within an organization and fundamentally, to the final end-user of the business service or product. Thus, these individuals unique quality is to be able to identify the latent needs the innovation is able to satisfy.
So, in conclusion, entrepreneurs and creative thinkers out there... The future is not as gloomy, or more appropriately, as standardized as globalization implies. But rather, I would like to think that the flattening of the world is actually an opportunity for your entrepreneurs and creative thinkers to start thinking 'innovatively' to be relevant and successful in the near future!
Yours in entrepreneurial and creative heaven,
The Original Sidewalker (Moonwalker was already taken)...
Sidewalk Kultivators Bringin You ->->->--------->>>THE "INCITE to INSIGHT"!>!>!>!>!>!!!!