Monday, May 10, 2010

To Kultivate or Not To Kultivate? That is the question...

Welcome to the world of Sidewalk Kultivations...

A world where marketing insights are made and captured in a manner that will stimulate, encourage and celebrate the art of marketing, the engineering behind marketing strategy and fundamentally, to give voice to essence of true marketing which is to "give our consumer the best, most consistent brand experience ever!"

This encompasses everything from a consumer's first touch point with our brand to all post purchase and experience activities that make up a brand. However, how can this ideal be achieved unless there is a forum in which the very same consumers we are targetting in our marketing communication are given a platform to share their views about the very same marketing campaigns we pitch at them daily?

And this dear reader, is how the "Sidewalk Kultivations" blog was birthed into existence.
The vision behind this blogspot is to provide a platform both consumers and marketers a like to share their views and perceptions about any and all marketing activity of interest in our case studies or alternatively, as they see should be brought onto the table for consumer and marketer deliberation and discussion.

It is through this blogspot that we believe that we will see the birth of an age in marketing, in which marketers will be able to shape and alter their marketing campaigns as their target audience receives the communication and shape their perceptions about them.

Marketers and non-marketers (consumers) alike, once again welcome to the world of Sidewalk Kultivations where it's all about the "insight to incite."

Crops (revenues) are harvested from thorough kultivation (marketing) that entails preparing the soil (research), ploughing (using the information), fertilising (designing the right offering), watering (marketing) and finally, bringing in the harvest (generating the revenues).

This might sound a little perplexed for a lot of traditionally trained marketing minds but like Christ said to his disciples, I may speak in parables but all things shall be revealed to you in time. Thus, the question to this I would like to leave you with in this maiden blog is the following... To Kultivate or Not To Kultivate?

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